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Supplies and Safety Protocols


DoggyWalker.com provides clean-up bags for all caregivers, and water and snacks at our discretion.  All supplies can be picked up at the key storage units.

All employees walking dogs must have on their person at least 4 clean-up bags at all times.  Failure to use company clean-up bags, failure to clean up, or disrespectful handling could lead to fines that range from $50 to $200. Should you incur a fine or receive a citation for failure to pick up after a dog the company is NOT responsible for settling said fine. Please do not use clients’ clean-up bags, even if they provide them.  Only use DoggyWalker.com’s bags.  After successfully completing a 30-day probation period, DoggyWalker.com will provide you with a first-aid kit to assist you in any emergency situations that may arise. When you are at a key storage unit, please restock your supplies. Other collateral items you may be interested in carrying include an extra leashh, business referral cards, magnets, fliers, etc.  Supplies (not provided by DoggyWalker.com) that may be of assistance during your visit are:

  • Water and snacks
  • Towel
  • Umbrella/raincoat
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Sunblock/sunscreen
  • Spare/extra clothing

Safety Protocols

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, DoggyWalker.com practices safety protocols at ALL times we are caring for a client’s pet.  In addition to following the practices below, you are required to complete a weekly COVID screening survey every Monday unless otherwise directed.  The survey will be available on your schedule in LeashTime, and the steps for completing it are as follows:


Physical Distancing
  • Maintain at least six (6) feet from others, even when outside walking dogs.
  • When you are not walking dogs, please practice physical distancing and stay at home.
Wash Your Hands
  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap, moving your hands vigorously.
  • Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when hand washing is unavailable.
  • Do not touch your face, eyes, or mouth with untreated hands.
Wear a Mask
  • Wear a cloth covering over your nose and mouth when entering a client’s home where a mask is required, even if you are vaccinated (there is a field in the profile to let you know if this is required).
  • Do not take your covering/mask off between visits before you touch anything in a client’s home!
  • Always send an electronic visit report unless you gave the report verbally.
  • Report any illness or symptoms immediately.

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