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Using LeashTime

Each caregiver has individual access to LeashTime, an online client management database. Your visit schedule, all client profile information, and more can be accessed by you, the client, and the management team.  Before your DoggyWalker.com in-person training, you will receive and email with temporary login credentials.  You may either choose to download an app for LeashTime in the Google Play Store or from Apple iTunes, or you may access LeashTime.com using an Internet browser on your phone (both for mobile-friendly and full browser access). 

*Before you can begin using LeashTime, you must change your temporary password in a full browser session.  Here is a quick video how-to on changing your password.

This image on the left is of the LeashTime log-in page using the mobile-friendly browser page. This image on the right is of the LeashTime log-in page using the app (Android).


Once you are logged in, your LeashTime dashboard appears, providing you with the list of scheduled walks for the day. Each visit is listed in chronological order by visit window; your visit must be started and completed during this time window.  The client’s name is listed with the pet(s) names listed in the parenthesis. The number indicates which key you need to use.  The smaller text below the client name is the visit name. The visit name will refer to whether the client has contracted for monthly services (3+ midday walks/week), the number of dogs to be walked, and the visit length (if no reference to time is listed in the visit name, it will be a 30-minute visit). The green button must be selected to mark the start of the visit.

 All caregivers must both mark the arrival and completion of the visit. A small window will appear after selecting the green button. To start the visit time (arrival time), you must then select the blue “Just Arrived” button. Upon completion of the visit, use the same process of selecting the green button from the dashboard page, then in the smaller window, select the green button (“mark visit complete”).


As needed, you can log in to LeashTime from your Internet browser to submit profile updates. Using the top navigation, select the Clients tab, then select “Client List” from the dropdown menu. On the Active Clients page, select the profile to update by clicking on the client name. The Client Profile page will open; any current text in the fields is listed in the gray boxes. All updates are to be made in the white field boxes (left column). When done, click on “save changes.” Please know that all changes will be reviewed before publishing.

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